Personal Growth

Authentic Living

By January 8, 2019No Comments

Inevitably, once you’ve clarified your values and beliefs, you’ll notice something: my behavior doesn’t always match my beliefs.

For example, I might say I value family but if my schedule shows I’m hardly ever home, there is a gap between what I believe and how I behave. In order to live authentically, something must change — either my beliefs or my behavior.

If I’m unwilling to change my belief because I feel it is non-negotiable, then my behavior must change.

How does a person live with authenticity? For starters, it begins with clarity in terms of what you believe. What are your values? Convictions? Non-negotiables? Authenticity means being true to the real you.

Once you’ve clarified your beliefs and values, ask yourself this question: Does my behavior match my beliefs?

"I'd love to help you create the life you've always wanted" - Ken

Ken Hensley

Founder and Spiritual Entrepreneur

I’ve been helping people and organizations get unstuck for nearly 30 years. Whether it’s a one-on-one coaching session or speaking to hundreds at a large conference, I find great satisfaction in helping people reach their God-given potential.

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